Ultima modifica: 25 Maggio 2017

27 aprile 2017: la Scuola giapponese in visita al Liceo Vittorini

Cerimonia di benvenuto

Giochi tradizionali italiani

Lezione di cucina italiana

Lezione sulle tradizioni italiane

Cerimonia di commiato


Thank you for last week. I had a very wonderful time. Your presentation was very nice and interesting: The ball game was interesting too. Cookies were delicious. See you next time! Kanta (age 13)


Thank you for inviting us last week. I was glad to see you. I was excited to listen to your presentation and play sports together. I was surprised because your school is very large and convenient. I want to see you again!  Yudai (age 13)


I could have a valuable experience last week. I was surprised by many things because your school is very different from ours. For example, our school doesn’t have a cafeteria, but your school has one. And the quiz in your presentation was also interesting. You explained everything so clearly that we could understand well. Though I’m not good at sports, I enjoyed playing a ball game with you. You also made lots of food. They were all very delicious. I want to see you again soon. Next time, I want to do my best to entertain you.  Shuei (age 14)